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Basic Configuration

The Timeline component has been designed to work together with XY Container. The minimal Timeline configuration looks like:

import { VisXYContainer, VisTimeline } from '@unovis/react'

function Component(props) {
const data: TimeDataRecord[] =
const x = (d: TimeDataRecord) => d.timestamp

return (
<VisXYContainer data={data}>
<VisTimeline x={x}/>

where TimeDataRecord has at least the following properties:

type TimeDataRecord = {
timestamp: Date; // Position on the X axis. Can be `number` or `Date`
length: number; // Length of the line in X axis values, i.e. milliseconds if you use `Date`
type: string; // The row it will be displayed in

By default, if the records in your data array contain length and type properties (as shown above), Timeline will only need the x accessor provided to display the data. Otherwise, you can explicitly define accessor functions for length and type.


Enable the showLabels property to display row types along the vertical axis. You can alter the appearance of these labels with the labelWidth and maxLabelWidth properties.

Like other XY components, labeling data along the horizontal axis can be accomplished by adding an Axis component to your container. See following example which displays labeled Timeline alongside a labeled X Axis:

<VisXYContainer data={data}>
<VisAxis type="x" tickFormat={tickFormat}/>
<VisTimeline x={x} showLabels={true}/>


Since Timeline groups vertical data in an ordinal fashion, adding a Y axis here is not recommended.

Row Configuration

Alternating row colors

For easier readability, each row's background color alternates among two colors by default. To display a single background color across all rows, disable the alternatingRowColors property:

<VisTimeline alternatingRowColors={true} x={x}/>

Row Height

Use the rowHeight property to adjust the size of each row.

<VisTimeline x={x} rowHeight={50}/>

Line Configuration

Line Cap

By default, lines have squared ends. You can give your lines a rounded appearance by setting lineCap property to true.

<VisTimeline x={x} lineCap={true}/>

Showing empty segments

Set showEmptySegments to true if you want to display lines that are undefined or too small to see.

<VisTimeline showEmptySegments={true} x={x} lineCap={true}/>

Line Width

You can also change the line thickness with the lineWidth property, which determines how much vertical space each Timeline item occupies.

Example: Custom timeline lines

<VisTimeline lineWidth={10} x={x} rowHeight={100}/>



You can provide a callback to the onScroll property, which accepts a function of type:

type onScroll = (n: number) => void

where n is equal to the distance scrolled from the top of the timeline (in pixels).

See the following example, where onScroll updates the xAxis label:

function Component(props) {
const data: TimeDataRecord[] =
const onScroll = (n: number) => setAxisLabel(`${n}px from the top`)
const x = (d: TimeDataRecord) => d.timestamp

return (
<VisTimeline x={x} onScroll={onScroll}/>

Custom cursor for hover events

You can set custom cursor when hovering over a line. However, it'll only be active if you've defined events for [Timeline.selectors.line]:

More Events

import { Timeline } from '@unovis/ts'

const events = {
[Timeline.selectors.background]: {
wheel: () => { ... },
[Timeline.selectors.line]: {
click: () => { ... },
[Timeline.selectors.label]: {
mouseover: () => { ... }

CSS Variables

The Timeline component supports additional styling via CSS variables:

All supported CSS variables
--vis-timeline-row-even-fill-color: #FFFFFF;
--vis-timeline-row-odd-fill-color: #F7FAFC;
--vis-timeline-row-background-opacity: 1;
--vis-timeline-scrollbar-background-color: #E6E9F3;
--vis-timeline-scrollbar-color: #9EA7B8;
--vis-timeline-label-font-size: 12px;
--vis-timeline-label-color: #6C778C;
--vis-timeline-cursor: default;
--vis-timeline-line-color: var(--vis-color-main);
--vis-timeline-line-stroke-width: 0;
/* The line stroke color variable is not defined by default */
/* to allow it to fallback to the corresponding row background color */
/* --vis-timeline-line-stroke-color: none; */
/* Dark Theme */
--vis-dark-timeline-row-even-fill-color: #292B34;
--vis-dark-timeline-row-odd-fill-color: #333742;
--vis-dark-timeline-scrollbar-background-color: #292B34;
--vis-dark-timeline-scrollbar-color: #6C778C;
--vis-dark-timeline-label-color: #EFF5F8;

Component Props

* required property