Chord Diagram
Basic Configuration
The Chord Diagram component is a variation of a network graph where nodes and links are displayed in a circular layout.
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
<VisSingleContainer data={data}>
<vis-single-container [data]="data">
<VisSingleContainer {data}>
<VisSingleContainer :data="data">
<VisChordDiagram />
<VisSingleContainer data={data}>
const container = new SingleContainer<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>(node, {
component: new ChordDiagram({ })
}, data)
where data types look like:
type ChordInputNode = {
id?: string;
type ChordInputLink = {
source: number | string | ChordInputNode;
target: number | string | ChordInputNode;
value: number;
type ChordData<ChordInputNode, ChordInputLink> = {
nodes: ChordInputNode[];
links: ChordInputLink[];
Node Label
You can supply node labels through that data as a property of ChordInputNode
, or by using a StringAccessor
function in the component:
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
function Component(props) {
const data: ChordData =
const nodeLabel = (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
return (
<VisChordDiagram nodeLabel={nodeLabel}/>
template: '<vis-chord-diagram [nodeLabel]="nodeLabel"></vis-chord-diagram>'
export class Component {
@Input data: ChordData;
nodeLabel = (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
<script lang='ts'>
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/svelte'
export let data: ChordData
const nodeLabel = (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
<VisChordDiagram {nodeLabel}/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/vue'
const props = defineProps<{ data: ChordData }>()
const nodeLabel = (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
<VisChordDiagram :nodeLabel="nodeLabel" />
function Component(props) {
const data: ChordData = () =>
const nodeLabel = (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
return (
<VisChordDiagram nodeLabel={nodeLabel}/>
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
nodeLabel: (d: ChordInputNode) => `${}`
Node Label Alignment
By default, the labels will be placed inside the node with respect to the curve. Alternatively, you can set nodeLabelAlignment
to perpendicular:
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
<VisChordDiagram {nodeLabel} nodeLabelAlignment="perpendicular"/>
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
nodeLabelAlignment: "perpendicular"
Node and Link Colors
You can provide color accessors for the nodes, and links to customize the color of your chart.
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
<VisChordDiagram nodeColor={nodeColor} linkColor={linkColor}/>
<VisChordDiagram {nodeColor} {linkColor}/>
<VisChordDiagram :nodeColor="nodeColor" :linkColor="linkColor" />
<VisChordDiagram nodeColor={nodeColor} linkColor={linkColor}/>
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
Circle Customization
You can change the appearance of your circular chart with the following related properties from Donut:
Hierarchical data
ChordDiagram supports hierarchical data. When you provide nodeLevels
with a list of properties,
nodes will be displayed as n
distinct layers, where n
is the number of properties provided.
Consider the following example, where data has the following type:
const data = {
nodes: [
{ id: 'A1', group: 'Level 1', subgroup: 'A'},
{ id: 'B1', group: 'Level 1', subgroup: 'B' },
links: [...]
Then, by providing this list we can see three distinct layers in the visualization:
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/react'
function Component(props) {
const data: ChordData =
const nodeLevels = [`group`, `subgroup`]
return (
<VisSingleContainer data={data}>
<VisChordDiagram nodeLevels={nodeLevels}/>
templateUrl: 'template.html'
export class Component {
@Input data: ChordData;
nodeLevels = [`group`, `subgroup`]
<vis-single-container [data]="data">
<vis-chord-diagram [nodeLevels]="nodeLevels"></vis-chord-diagram>
<script lang='ts'>
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/svelte'
export let data: ChordData
const nodeLevels = [`group`, `subgroup`]
<VisSingleContainer {data}>
<VisChordDiagram {nodeLevels}/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/vue'
const props = defineProps<{ data: ChordData }>()
const nodeLevels = [`group`, `subgroup`]
<VisSingleContainer :data="data">
<VisChordDiagram :nodeLevels="nodeLevels" />
import { VisSingleContainer, VisChordDiagram } from '@unovis/solid'
function Component(props) {
const data: ChordData = () =>
const nodeLevels = [`group`, `subgroup`]
return (
<VisSingleContainer data={data()}>
<VisChordDiagram nodeLevels={nodeLevels}/>
import { SingleContainer, ChordDiagram } from '@unovis/ts'
import { data, ChordInputNode, ChordLinkDatum } from './data'
const container = new SingleContainer<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>(node, {
component: new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
nodeLevels: [`group`, `subgroup`]
}, data)
Accessor functions with hierarchical nodes
Because internal nodes are generated and not provided as apart of the original data, the accessor functions
for nodes in ChordDiagram will have a different parameter type of N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>
Leaf nodes will still have the input datum type, N
and non-leaf nodes have the following type:
type ChordHierarchyNode<N> = {
/* The property name (i.e. 'A') */
key: string;
/* Array of descendant nodes */
values: (N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>)[];
/* Zero for the root node, and increasing by one for each descendant generation */
depth: number;
/* Zero for leaf nodes, and the greatest distance from any descendant leaf for internal nodes */
height: number;
/* Aggregated value calcualted from link data */
value: number;
/* Key values for the ancestor nodes. i.e ['A', 'Level 1', 'root'] */
ancestors: string[];
In cases where you want to customize the appearance of internal nodes you can refer to this type.
For example, consider the following case where you want a 2-level chart grouped by the key provided in nodeLevels
We can adjust the accessor functions to change the label and color configuration for inner nodes like so:
// Node datum
type N = {
label: string;
group: 'A' | 'B' | 'C'
const colors = { A: 'lightgreen', B: 'cornflowerblue', C: 'indigo'}
// Configuration
const nodeLevels = ['group']
const nodeLabel = (d: N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>) => (d as N).label ?? `${d.key}: ${colors[d.key]}`
const nodeColor = (d: N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>) => colors[d.key ??]
const nodeLabelAlignment = (d: N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>) => d.height > 0 ? 'along' : 'perpendicular'
The result gives us a Chord Diagram with color-coded group data:
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
Radius Scale Exponent
The radiusScaleExponent
property affects how the radii scale with each hierarchy level. Increasing this value will result in more distance
between each level, while decreasing results in the opposite. Default = 2
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
<VisChordDiagram radiusScaleExponent={0.75} nodeLevels={nodeLevels}/>
<VisChordDiagram radiusScaleExponent={0.75} {nodeLevels}/>
<VisChordDiagram radiusScaleExponent={0.75} nodeLevels={nodeLevels}/>
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({
radiusScaleExponent: 0.75,
import { ChordDiagram, ChordNode, ChordRibbon } from '@unovis/vis'
events = {
[ChordDiagram.selectors.node]: {
mouseover: (d: ChordNode<N>) => {},
mouseout: (d: ChordNode<N>) => {},
[]: {
mouseover: (d: ChornRibbon<N>) => {},
mouseout: (d: ChornRibbon<N>) => {},
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
<VisChordDiagram events={events}/>
<vis-chord-diagram [events]="events"></vis-chord-diagram>
<VisChordDiagram {events}/>
<VisChordDiagram :events="events" />
<VisChordDiagram events={events}/>
const chordDiagram = new ChordDiagram<ChordInputNode,ChordLinkDatum>({ events })
CSS Variables
All supported CSS variables
--vis-chord-diagram-link-fill-color: #cad5f6;
--vis-chord-diagram-link-stroke-color: #777777;
--vis-chord-diagram-link-stroke-opacity: 0.15;
--vis-chord-diagram-label-text-fill-color-bright: #ffffff;
--vis-chord-diagram-label-text-fill-color-dark: #a5abb2;
/* Dark theme */
--vis-dark-chord-diagram-link-fill-color: #575c65;
Component Props
Name | Type | Description |
* required property |