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CSS Variables


In addition to configuration properties, our components also rely on CSS variables to supply the values of various SVG attributes such as fill, stroke, opacity, etc. You can override these variables to further customize your Unovis components.

Every variable has the following naming convention: --vis + label + attribute. For example, the variable named --vis-area-cursor would apply to the Area component's cursor property.

Note that while our variables follow this convention, it does not guarantee that the value you wish to override is available. Be sure to check the corresponding doc page of the component you want to customize to see the available CSS variables.

Basic Example

Variables can be overridden in your CSS style declarations. Consider the default configuration for sankey, which looks like this:


Now consider the following style declaration. After adding custom-sankey to the container element of the Sankey component, we will see the following result:


Dark Theme Usage

Our library offers dark theme support which takes effect when the class theme-dark is added to the document's body element. Every component has a dark version of each color variable labeled with the prefix --vis-dark. You can opt not to override these if you want to use our default dark theme values, or override them like so:


Global Variables

The majority of our variables exist on a component level, but there are a few global CSS variables:


Unless overridden explicitly, --vis-color-main corresponds to the first color in the default color palette

Label Styling


The font for labels across all of our components is defined by the --vis-font-family variable. The default font, Inter, is not imported by default, but you can easily import it yourself from Google Fonts.

To use a different font, simply redefine the --vis-font-family CSS variable:


Large Sizing

A common theming scenario is the "large size" theme, for when you want larger font sizes for the labels in your charts. We offer two variations in the form of css classes that you can import directly from @unovis/ts:

import { styleLargeSize } from '@unovis/ts' // ~1.3x larger
import { styleExtraLargeSize } from '@unovis/ts' // 2x larger

Just add either one to your container's class list to the effects. Consider the following example of a labeled Scatter chart:

className: styleLargeSize

className: styleExtraLargeSize


When using this theme, the following components have caveats:

  • Scatter: If the labelPosition property is set to Position.Center, point labels will try fit to the point's size. In this case, you will instead need to update the pointSize property to render larger labels.

  • Timeline Additionally, you may need to adjust the rowHeight property to accommodate larger labels.

Color Palette

Many of our components use the default color palette for visualizations. You can import the array of hex values directly from unovis/ts:

import { colors, colorsDark } from '@unovis/ts'

The dark theme palette is slightly different from the regular one. These colors are also defined directly in our CSS variables, labeled --vis-color0, --vis-dark-color0, --vis-color1, --vis-dark-color1, etc. The full palette looks like this:





Palette Editor

You can tweak and preview your desired palette using the example StackedBar component below. If you like the result, just copy and paste the corresponding style declaration in the dropdown below.


Alternatively, you can provide a custom color palette in global scope using the UNOVIS_COLORS variable:

window.UNOVIS_COLORS = [...]
// or
globalThis.UNOVIS_COLORS = [...]

This needs to be done before the library is imported, i.e. in your top level JS file or HTML.

Applying Patterns

When document.body has the class theme-patterns we automatically apply patterns of two types:

Fill Patterns

For solid shapes (most cases). You can customize fill patterns by assigning the corresponding CSS to a SVG mask reference.

The fill pattern palette looks like:

Default CSS Variables:
--vis-pattern-fill0: var(--vis-pattern-fill-stripes-diagonal);
--vis-pattern-fill1: var(--vis-pattern-fill-dots);
--vis-pattern-fill2: var(--vis-pattern-fill-stripes-vertical);
--vis-pattern-fill3: var(--vis-pattern-fill-crosshatch);
--vis-pattern-fill4: var(--vis-pattern-fill-waves);
--vis-pattern-fill5: var(--vis-pattern-fill-circles);

Line Patterns

For the Line component and when BulletLegend's bulletShape property is set to "line". You can customize these patterns by assigning any combination of the following variable types:

  • Prefixed --vis-pattern-marker: accepts SVG defs containings marker elements
  • Variables with the prefix --vis-pattern-dasharray to a valid value for the stroke-dasharray property. The default palette looks like:
Default CSS Variables:
--vis-pattern-marker0: var(--vis-pattern-marker-circle);

--vis-pattern-marker1: var(--vis-pattern-marker-triangle);
--vis-pattern-dasharray1: 9 1;

--vis-pattern-marker2: var(--vis-pattern-marker-diamond);
--vis-pattern-dasharray2: 2;

--vis-pattern-marker3: var(--vis-pattern-marker-arrow);
--vis-pattern-dasharray3: 2 3 8 3;

--vis-pattern-marker4: var(--vis-pattern-marker-square);
--vis-pattern-dasharray4: 6;

--vis-pattern-marker5: var(--vis-pattern-marker-star);
--vis-pattern-dasharray5: 1 6;


To override default patterns use the following table for reference.

CSS Variable PrefixTypeAccepted ValueExample
--vis-pattern-fillFillSVG mask from a <defs> elementurl(#my-pattern-fill)
--vis-pattern-markerLineSVG marker from a <defs> elementurl(#my-line-marker)
--vis-pattern-dasharrayLineCSS stroke-dasharray property5 10

Bordered Segments

For charts with multiple data layers, it might be preferable to have a visual separation of elements. You can do this by manipulating the stroke and stroke-width variables to create a bordered segment effect.

For the following components, the stroke property by default is either none or the same color as its fill. You can tweak the variables accordingly to create the desired effect:

:root  {
--stroke: #fff;
--stroke-dark: #292b34;

/* Area */
--vis-area-stroke-width: 1px;
--vis-area-stroke: var(--stroke);
--vis-dark-area-stroke: var(--stroke-dark);

/* Donut */
--vis-donut-segment-stroke-width: 1px;

/* StackedBar */
--vis-stacked-bar-stroke-width: 1px;
--vis-stacked-bar-stroke: var(--stroke);
--vis-dark-stacked-bar-stroke: var(--stroke-dark);

/* Timeline */
--vis-timeline-line-stroke-width: 1px;





Stacked Bar


