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Release 1.1

ยท 2 min read
Nikita Rokotyan
Rebecca Bol

We're excited to announce the release of Unovis 1.1.0! This update brings new features, enhancements, and bug fixes that improve the overall user experience and stability of the library.

Release Highlightsโ€‹

๐ŸฆŒ ELK support for Graphโ€‹

We've added ELK integration to our Graph component. Now you can render complex hierarchical graphs ELK is famous for! SCR-20230405-ngtd

๐Ÿฅจ New component: Multi-Level Chord Diagramโ€‹

Multi-Level Chord Diagram can display hierarchical relationships and interactions between multiple entities, often used to visualize complex systems or networks. It showcases the flow of data or connections between different levels, allowing users to understand the intricacies of interconnected components and their relative importance within the system. SCR-20230419-lhbu

๐Ÿ‘‹ Goodbye lodashโ€‹

Unovis doesn't have lodash as it's dependency anymore saving precious 90KB (unzipped) of your app bundle! SCR-20230419-llma


New Featuresโ€‹

  • Component | Graph: ELK Support by @rokotyan #161
  • Chord Diagram: Refactoring, Docs, Examples by @reb-dev #105


  • Goodbye lodash by @rokotyan #100
  • Component | Timeline: Fixing odd rows fill color by @rokotyan #145
  • Component | LeafletMap: Calling fitView and fitToPoints in the next frame by @rokotyan #148
  • Code Quality: Enabling strictFunctionTypes by @rokotyan #158
  • React | Tweaks: Supporting style and className; Removing @emotion/css dependency by @rokotyan #162
  • Component | LeafletMap | Styles: Updating MapLibreArcticLight style by @rokotyan #165
  • Component | LeafletMap: Configurable inner label color by @rokotyan #156
  • Component | Chord Diagram: Better accessor support for non-leaf nodes by @reb-dev #160
  • Website: Updating Docusaurus and fixing editUrl by @rokotyan #175
  • Container | Core, Single: Setting SVG size in render() by @rokotyan #174

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Component | Graph | Link fixes by @reb-dev #151
  • React: Fixing double-render on component initialization by @rokotyan #154
  • React: Fixing component initialization flow by @rokotyan #164
  • Component | Chord Diagram: Fixing invisible nodes by @reb-dev #169


  • Misc tweaks and fixes by @rokotyan #168