A modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, Solid and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript
Framework Independent
Use with React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, Solid,
or without any UI framework.
We pay attention to how the library components look and how they react to data changes. Styles are customizable via CSS variables.
Built with Typescript
Unovis is built with Typescript and allows you to import individual component modules to reduce your app bundle size.
- React
- Angular
- Svelte
- Vue
- Solid
- TypeScript
- Data
import React, { useCallback } from 'react'
import { VisXYContainer, VisAxis, VisArea, VisXYLabels } from '@unovis/react'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
export default function StackedArea (): JSX.Element {
const labels = getLabels(data)
return (
<VisXYContainer data={data} height={'50vh'}>
<VisArea x={useCallback((d: DataRecord) => d.year, [])} y={formats.map(g => useCallback((d: DataRecord) => d[g], []))}/>
<VisAxis type='x' label='Year' numTicks={10} gridLine={false} domainLine={false}/>
<VisAxis type='y' label='Revenue (USD, billions)' numTicks={10}/>
x={useCallback((d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year] ? d.year : undefined, [])}
y={useCallback((d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.value, [])}
label={useCallback((d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.label, [])}
backgroundColor={useCallback((d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.color ?? 'none', [])}
clusterLabel={() => ''}
<vis-xy-container [data]="data" [height]="500">
<vis-area [x]="x" [y]="y"></vis-area>
<vis-axis type="x" label="Year" [numTicks]="10" [domainLine]="false" [gridLine]="false"></vis-axis>
<vis-axis type="y" label="Number of Votes(millions)" [numTicks]="10"></vis-axis>
import { Component } from '@angular/core'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
selector: 'stacked-area-chart',
templateUrl: './stacked-area-chart.component.html',
export class StackedAreaComponent {
data = data
x = (d: DataRecord): number => d.year
y = formats.map(f => (d: DataRecord) => d[f])
labelItems = getLabels(this.data)
labelY = (d: DataRecord): number => this.labelItems[d.year]?.value ?? 0
labelText = (d: DataRecord): string => this.labelItems[d.year]?.label ?? ''
labelColor = (d: DataRecord): string => this.labelItems[d.year]?.color ?? 'none'
noLabel = (): string => ''
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { VisXYContainerModule, VisAreaModule, VisXYLabelsModule, VisAxisModule } from '@unovis/angular'
import { StackedAreaComponent } from './stacked-area-chart.component'
imports: [VisXYContainerModule, VisAreaModule, VisXYLabelsModule, VisAxisModule],
declarations: [StackedAreaComponent],
exports: [StackedAreaComponent],
export class StackedAreaModule { }
<script lang='ts'>
import { VisXYContainer, VisAxis, VisArea, VisXYLabels } from '@unovis/svelte'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
const labels = getLabels(data)
const x = (d: DataRecord) => d.year
const y = formats.map(g => (d: DataRecord) => d[g])
const labelProps = {
x: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year] ? d.year : undefined,
y: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.value,
label: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.label,
backgroundColor: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.color ?? 'none',
<VisXYContainer {data} height={500}>
<VisXYLabels {...labelProps} clusterBackgroundColor="none" clusterLabel={() => ''}/>
<VisArea {x} {y}/>
<VisAxis type='x' label='Year' numTicks={10} gridLine={false} domainLine={false}/>
<VisAxis type='y' label='Revenue (USD, billions)' numTicks={10}/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VisXYContainer, VisAxis, VisArea, VisXYLabels } from '@unovis/vue'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
const labels = getLabels(data)
const x = (d: DataRecord) => d.year
const y = formats.map(g => (d: DataRecord) => d[g])
const labelProps = {
x: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year] ? d.year : undefined,
y: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.value,
label: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.label,
backgroundColor: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.color ?? 'none',
<VisXYContainer :data="data" :height="500">
<VisXYLabels v-bind="labelProps" clusterBackgroundColor="none" :clusterLabel="() => ''" />
<VisArea :x="x" :y="y" />
<VisAxis type='x' label='Year' :numTicks="10" :gridLine="false" :domainLine="false" />
<VisAxis type='y' label='Revenue (USD, billions)' :numTicks="10" />
import { JSX } from 'solid-js'
import { VisArea, VisAxis, VisXYContainer, VisXYLabels } from '@unovis/solid'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
const StackedAreaChart = (): JSX.Element => {
const labels = getLabels(data)
const x = (d: DataRecord) => d.year
const y = formats.map((g) => (d: DataRecord) => d[g])
const labelProps = {
x: (d: DataRecord) => (labels[d.year] ? d.year : undefined),
y: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.value,
label: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.label,
backgroundColor: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.color ?? 'none',
return (
<VisXYContainer data={data} height='50dvh'>
<VisArea x={x} y={y} />
<VisAxis type='y' label='Revenue (USD, billions)' numTicks={10} />
clusterLabel={() => ''}
export default StackedAreaChart
import { Area, Axis, XYContainer, XYLabels } from '@unovis/ts'
import { data, formats, DataRecord, getLabels } from './data'
const labels = getLabels(data)
const container = document.getElementById('vis-container')
const chart = new XYContainer(container, {
height: 500,
components: [
// area chart
new Area<DataRecord>({
x: (d: DataRecord) => d.year,
y: formats.map(f => (d: DataRecord) => d[f]),
// labels
new XYLabels({
x: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year] ? d.year : undefined,
y: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.value,
label: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.label ?? '',
backgroundColor: (d: DataRecord) => labels[d.year]?.color,
clusterBackgroundColor: 'none',
clusterLabel: () => '',
xAxis: new Axis({ label: 'Year', numTicks: 10, domainLine: false, gridLine: false }),
yAxis: new Axis({ label: 'Revenue (USD, billions)', numTicks: 10 }),
}, data)
enum Format {
Vinyl = 'vinyl',
Cassette = 'cassette',
Cd = 'cd',
Download = 'download',
Streaming = 'streaming',
export const formats: Format[] = [Format.Vinyl, Format.Cassette, Format.Cd, Format.Download, Format.Streaming]
export type DataRecord = Record<Format, number> & { year: number };
export type Label = {
label: string;
value: number;
color: string;
export function getMaxItems<T extends Record<string, number>> (
array: T[],
keys: (keyof T)[]
): { [key in keyof T]?: T } {
const maxIndex = (k: keyof T): number => array.reduce((max, curr, i) => curr[k] > array[max][k] ? i : max, 0)
const entries = keys.map(key => [
return Object.fromEntries(entries)
export function getLabels (data: DataRecord[]): Record<number, Label> {
// map formats to their maximum data records
const peakItems = getMaxItems(data.slice(0, data.length - 3), formats)
// place labels at [x,y] where x = peak year and y = area midpoint
return formats.reduce((obj, format, i) => {
const offset = Array(i).fill(0).reduce((sum, _, j) => sum + peakItems[format][formats[j]], 0)
const [x, y] = [peakItems[format].year, offset + peakItems[format][format] / 2]
obj[x] = {
label: format === 'cd' ? format.toUpperCase() : format.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + format.slice(1),
value: y,
color: 'none',
return obj
}, {})
export const data: DataRecord[] = [
year: 1973,
vinyl: 1.436,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.5806,
download: 0,
year: 1974,
vinyl: 1.55,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.6497,
download: 0,
year: 1975,
vinyl: 1.6965,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.692,
download: 0,
year: 1976,
vinyl: 1.9081,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.829,
download: 0,
year: 1977,
vinyl: 2.4402,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.0606,
download: 0,
year: 1978,
vinyl: 2.7336,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.3978,
download: 0,
year: 1979,
vinyl: 2.4106,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.2649,
download: 0,
year: 1980,
vinyl: 2.45,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.232,
download: 0,
year: 1981,
vinyl: 2.5981,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.3758,
download: 0,
year: 1982,
vinyl: 2.2081,
cd: 0,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.4205,
download: 0,
year: 1983,
vinyl: 1.9583,
cd: 0.0172,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.8109,
download: 0,
year: 1984,
vinyl: 1.8475,
cd: 0.1033,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.3839,
download: 0,
year: 1985,
vinyl: 1.5615,
cd: 0.3895,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.4115,
download: 0,
year: 1986,
vinyl: 1.2111,
cd: 0.9301,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.4995,
download: 0,
year: 1987,
vinyl: 0.9964,
cd: 1.5936,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.974,
download: 0,
year: 1988,
vinyl: 0.7126,
cd: 2.0997,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.4424,
download: 0,
year: 1989,
vinyl: 0.3367,
cd: 2.7024,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.5404,
download: 0,
year: 1990,
vinyl: 0.1809,
cd: 3.6299,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.7303,
download: 0,
year: 1991,
vinyl: 0.0933,
cd: 4.4909,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.25,
download: 0,
year: 1992,
vinyl: 0.0799,
cd: 5.529,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.4151,
download: 0,
year: 1993,
vinyl: 0.0618,
cd: 6.7705,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.2143,
download: 0,
year: 1994,
vinyl: 0.065,
cd: 8.7517,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 3.2513,
download: 0,
year: 1995,
vinyl: 0.0718,
cd: 9.7086,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.5399,
download: 0,
year: 1996,
vinyl: 0.0843,
cd: 10.3549,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 2.0946,
download: 0,
year: 1997,
vinyl: 0.0689,
cd: 10.5117,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.6562,
download: 0,
year: 1998,
vinyl: 0.0597,
cd: 12.1372,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.5143,
download: 0,
year: 1999,
vinyl: 0.0597,
cd: 13.4154,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 1.1096,
download: 0,
year: 2000,
vinyl: 0.054,
cd: 13.6391,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.6306,
download: 0,
year: 2001,
vinyl: 0.0588,
cd: 13.324,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.3581,
download: 0,
year: 2002,
vinyl: 0.0454,
cd: 12.3606,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.2082,
download: 0,
year: 2003,
vinyl: 0.0432,
cd: 11.7031,
streaming: 0,
cassette: 0.1081,
download: 0,
year: 2004,
vinyl: 0.0392,
cd: 12.0918,
streaming: 0.0069,
cassette: 0.0237,
download: 0.1835,
year: 2005,
vinyl: 0.0274,
cd: 11.1545,
streaming: 0.1709,
cassette: 0.0131,
download: 0.9243,
year: 2006,
vinyl: 0.0256,
cd: 9.8393,
streaming: 0.2407,
cassette: 0.0037,
download: 1.65,
year: 2007,
vinyl: 0.0269,
cd: 7.9558,
streaming: 0.272,
cassette: 0.003,
download: 2.3924,
year: 2008,
vinyl: 0.0596,
cd: 5.7064,
streaming: 0.323,
cassette: 0.0009,
download: 2.6859,
year: 2009,
vinyl: 0.0663,
cd: 4.5355,
streaming: 0.3629,
cassette: 0.0,
download: 2.66,
year: 2010,
vinyl: 0.0912,
cd: 3.5725,
streaming: 0.4631,
cassette: 0.0,
download: 2.6934,
year: 2011,
vinyl: 0.124,
cd: 3.257,
streaming: 0.6554,
cassette: 0.0,
download: 2.9018,
year: 2012,
vinyl: 0.1655,
cd: 2.607,
streaming: 1.0362,
cassette: 0,
download: 3.0162,
year: 2013,
vinyl: 0.2137,
cd: 2.2501,
streaming: 1.4608,
cassette: 0,
download: 2.9203,
year: 2014,
vinyl: 0.2493,
cd: 1.8725,
streaming: 1.8352,
cassette: 0,
download: 2.5531,
year: 2015,
vinyl: 0.3391,
cd: 1.5231,
streaming: 2.3421,
cassette: 0,
download: 2.3107,
year: 2016,
vinyl: 0.3603,
cd: 1.192,
streaming: 4.0019,
cassette: 0,
download: 1.8294,
year: 2017,
vinyl: 0.3946,
cd: 1.1009,
streaming: 5.7167,
cassette: 0,
download: 1.3853,
year: 2018,
vinyl: 0.4245,
cd: 0.7303,
streaming: 7.4368,
cassette: 0,
download: 1.0173,
year: 2019,
vinyl: 0.5044,
cd: 0.6439,
streaming: 8.9132,
cassette: 0,
download: 0.8326,